WINTER SALE 10% off of the entire order, minimum purchase of 20 euro.

Art products to craft your dreams


Get to know me better


I am a one person business, which means that I manage aleverything by myslef (videos, orders, postage, new desings, accounting, my family... :) My biggest priority is to make your experience as good as possible, always!

However I am not Amazon Prime and it can take me up to 5 days to dispatch order (even though on avarage it's 1- 2 days time). If I happen to be on holidays, you will always find that info in the top banner in the shop.

Please know that for every order over 70 euro (postage included) I add unique, handmade by me ATC card.

Price of postage stamps for which you are paying, is based solely on weight of purchased items. If you placed an order and you forgot to add one stamp or one stencil to it- please send me a message (only through my shop email). You can pay for the item only and I will add it to the order. However if you would like to add few items (or one of my books), I will kindly ask you to pay postage fees (as the price of the stamp will get higher).

I do not offer tracking numbers for orders below 150 euro- simply because the price of stamp would be much higher. I do always keep track of orders and its arrivals by emails exchange (on your request).

It takes on avarage from 2 to 4 weeks for orders to arrive oversees (it takes longer during holidays). For UK it takes on avarage 2 weeks and a little bit less for Europe. But all depends on the Post.

I do answer my emails promptly, so if you have an issue or a question- please let me know!

If some items are out of stock, it means that I am working hard on getting them back . As a small shop I can't afford to order big quantities of products.

I strive to be good, reliable and customer- friendly shop with personal touch. I hope ( and I know thanks to a lot of beautiful emails I received) that you appreciate that. I believe respect is such an important quality, so if you do have any concerns, let me know- I will do my best to solve them!

I appreciete your support so much and I'd be very grateful if you could leave a short reviews under the items you bought- for my future Customers and if you can share the news about my shop. ❤️